Transboundary Water In-Cooperation Network (TWIN) is a network of grassroots organizations, academic, scientific institutions, and individuals sharing a vision of clean water for all.
Ripple Effect: Securing Clean Water in 1000 Climate Crisis Communities
Engaging 1000 frontline communities in data collection, solution development, facilitating transboundary cooperation, and co-designing nature-based solutions will ripple out to larger groups of stakeholders for broader transboundary cooperation and security.
Our Vision
Water is everything. We work to share it.
Our mission is to strengthen and mobilize existing organizational networks that work locally, nationally and globally towards ‘equitable and reasonable’ sharing water resources across borders.
TWIN is committed to addressing not only water scarcity but also the degradation of water quality from anthropogenic sources, and the growing impacts of climate change.
TWIN promotes co-operation and collaboration among all network stakeholders who have transboundary water challenges.
TWIN’s vision is to promote water cooperation among countries, regions, municipalities and villages that share trans-boundary water resources in ways that are equitable and reasonable for all stakeholders.
TWIN works to improve border relations, water use practices, water quality, ecosystem services, and public health on both sides of the border and to build resilience to climate change.
TWIN’s activities are committed to conforming to the values of all international conventions and treaties on equitable sharing of resources and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal #6 that addresses the access to clean water.
“Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”
We work to:
Promote Equitable Access to Clean Water
By mobilizing our network of communities, non-governmental organizations and scientific institutions, TWIN facilitates actions to ensure transboundary water is clean and accessible to all.
Strengthen Cooperation Across Borders
TWIN engages and brings together stakeholders from all sides of the border to achieve our globally recognized goal of clean water for all, regardless of the boundaries.
Improve Public Health
Clean water is vital to human wellbeing, and TWIN works with communities and organization focused on cross-cutting social-ecological-systems to bring benefits to human communities and the ecosystem we depend on.
Encourage Ecosystem Services
Through understanding the ecosystem, we identify naturally occurring services that enable clean water for all as well as other socio-economic benefits.
Who We Are
Transboundary water In-Cooperation Network is a network of grassroots organizations, academic and scientific institutions, individuals sharing our vision of clean water for all
Join Us
for more information about eligibility and APPLICATION process, Please email Susan Sgorbati and Asim Zia
TWIN Charter
All participants of the TWIN are obligated to act in ACCORDANCE with the TRansboundary Water INCORPORATION Network Charter.